Picture of the Alexander Hamilton statue unveiled by the Alexander Hamilton Awareness Society on Nevis, his birth Island.

On July 22, 2022, a life-size bronze statue of the US founding father and first Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton was unveiled by the Alexander Hamilton Awareness (AHA) Society and the Nevis Historical and Conservation Society (NHCS) on the grounds of the Hamilton Birthplace Museum in Charlestown, Nevis.



Born on the island of Nevis (present-day St. Kitts and Nevis), circa 1755, Alexander Hamilton spent his childhood in the Caribbean, also living on Sint Eustatius and St. Croix, before emigrating to New York in 1772. This year marks the 250th anniversary of Hamilton’s journey to mainland North America.

Local programming on Nevis during the week leading up to the statue’s unveiling included a discussion facilitated by Black History specialist and Manager of Living History at the New-York Historical Society, Cheyney McKnight, titled “Statues: How They Can Memorialize, Harm and Heal;” a talk and showing of original Hamilton documents by renowned collector Seth Kaller; a talk by Vice President of the Alexander Hamilton Awareness Society, Sergio Villavicencio, on “Alexander Hamilton: Immigrant;” a talk on how the new Hamilton statue on Nevis will affect tourism by Nevis Sun Tours CEO, Greg Bernard Phillips; and a talk about “Alexander Hamilton’s Mother and Family on Gingerland,” the locale in Nevis where Hamilton’s mother’s family resided on Nevis, by historian and author Michael E. Newton.

The Alexander Hamilton statue being unveiled by (L to R) statue donor Robin Sommers; Alexander Hamilton Awareness Society Vice President Sergio Villavicencio; NHCS President Richard Lupinacci (behind statue); and the Premier of Nevis, the Hon. Mark Brantley. Credit: Foxborough Media


The week concluded with the unveiling ceremony, featuring an award presentation for a local Hamilton-related student art competition sponsored by the U.S. Embassy in Barbados; the reading of a new poem, “Hamilton! You Are Back!,” by past NHCS President Harvey Hendrickson; remarks by NCHS Director, Jahnel Nisbett; NCHS President Richard Lupinacci, the Hon. Mark Brantley, Premier of Nevis, and AHA Society President Nicole Scholet; AHA Society Vice Chair Thomas Oller reading a statement from Hamilton’s fifth great-grandson Douglas Hamilton; and a vote of thanks by past Hamilton scholarship recipient, Abigaile Swanston. The statue was unveiled by the donor Robin Sommers, AHA Society Vice President Sergio Villavicencio, NHCS President Richard Lupinacci, and the Hon. Mark Brantley, Premier of Nevis.

The statue is named “Alexander Hamilton as a Young Man,” and is by renowned sculptor Benjamin Victor. The statue stands atop a granite base reading “Hamilton” and shows him holding a rolled-up scroll, symbolizing the knowledge and skills Alexander Hamilton gained in the Caribbean and carried with him when he emigrated to the present-day United States. The statue stands on the grounds of the Hamilton Birthplace Museum and was created to serve as an educational enhancement for the visitor experience. Five informative plaques donated by the AHA Society will also be installed on the site on the historic stone wall of the museum complex.

This statue project by the Alexander Hamilton Awareness Society was made possible through the generous donation of Robin Sommers. It is part of a broader project to thoughtfully install statues on each of the Caribbean islands where Alexander Hamilton lived in order to recognize and highlight his Caribbean origins.

The unveiling program was made possible by the support of the Alexander Hamilton Awareness Society, the Nevis Historical and Conservation Society, the Nevis Island Administration, the New-York Historical Society, the St. Andrew’s Society of the State of New York, Golden Rock Inn of Nevis, Four Seasons Resort Nevis, and the Hermitage Inn.

Unveiling Ceremony Program

 Hamilton Statue Unveiling Program Friday, July 22, 2022 | 4:00 pm

Welcome and Opening Remarks by Jahnel Nisbett, Director, NHCS

Prayer, led by Pastor Eversley Pemberton

National Anthem of St. Kitts and Nevis, performed by Eliesel R. Dorsett

National Anthem of the United States, performed by Lee Sullivan

Remarks by the Hon. Mark A. G. Brantley, Premier of Nevis

Remarks by Richard Lupinacci, President, NHCS

Poem by Harvey Hendrickson, Past President, NHCS

Presentation of Art Competition Awards

Portrayal of Alexander Hamilton by Scott MacScott, Hamilton Reenactor

Statement from Douglas Hamilton, Alexander Hamilton’s Fifth Great-Grandson, read by Thomas Oller, Vice Chair, the AHA Society

Alexander Hamilton Statue Unveiling by
Robin Sommers, Donor of the Alexander Hamilton Statue Richard Lupinacci, President, NHCS
Sergio Villavicencio, Vice President, the AHA Society

Remarks by Nicole Scholet, President, the AHA Society
Vote of Thanks by Abigaile Swanston, former Hamilton Scholarship recipient Closing Remarks and Adjournment by Jahnel Nisbett, Director, NHCS

Welcome Drink & Refreshments


Unveiling Remarks by AHA Society President, Nicole Scholet

My name is Nicole Scholet, and I am the President of the Alexander Hamilton Awareness Society. After ten years of working to support initiatives on this site, it is a personal honor to finally be here on Nevis, to discover the beauty of both its natural surroundings and its people. On behalf of the Alexander Hamilton Awareness Society Board – Mariana Oller, John Herzog, Tom Oller, Sergio Villavicencio, Richard Sylla, and myself – we are so pleased to see this statue officially unveiled and presented to the island of Nevis.

The concept of this statue project was actually first created right here in this courtyard. In 2019, a delegation of AHA Society Board members were here on an official visit, and while sitting at the Cafe Des Arts and admiring the grounds, the idea of a statue was proposed. After three years of research, consulting with local shareholders, site visits, and many discussions to collaborate on the statue’s design, the five accompanying plaques, as well as the statue’s installation and unveiling, it is an exciting moment to share with you all today.


Alexander Hamilton Awareness Society President Nicole Scholet explains the Hamilton statue’s symbolism during the unveiling ceremony. Credit: Foxborough Media


The AHA Society has worked with the Nevis Historical and Conservation Society since 2012, and we formalized our partnership in 2014 with the AHA for Nevis initiative to support projects here on the island of Nevis. We have also done much to highlight Nevis and its importance through our many programs we have held in New York City, hosting various Nevisian dignitaries, including the Hon. Mark Brantley and the late Hon. Vance Amo- ry; setting up virtual video connections to unite events being held simultaneously at the Hamilton Birthplace Museum and historic Hamilton sites throughout New York City; and even hosting a flag raising ceremony for the St. Kitts and Nevis flag in the historic Bowling Green in Lower Manhattan. Highlights of this wonderful partner- ship on the island of Nevis include facilitating NHCS membership for people living in the US; support of the Annual Hamilton Tea Party and the Hamilton Scholarships for local school children; the donation of a high-tech scanner to allow NHCS to digitize its archives; the restoration of the Hamilton-Trott House; the donation of the exhibit “Hamilton: US Founder and Visionary” to the Hamilton Birthplace Museum; and now, our latest collaboration, the statue, “Hamilton as a Young Man.” We hope this statue further enhances interest and engagement with the Hamilton Birthplace Museum and Museum of Nevis History on this site.

Over the past week, the AHA Society and the Nevis Historical and Conservation Society have held a full pro- gram of events for the community and our members and friends, with programs such as “Statues: How They Memorialize, Harm, and Heal,” “Alexander Hamilton: Immigrant,” “Alexander Hamilton’s Mother and Family in Gingerland, Nevis,” and a special showing of original Hamilton documents. As part of the Unveiling Festivities, we have had many wonderful meals at exceptional restaurants around the island, and explored Nevis’s culture and heritage through different site visits. This program has been a wonderful opportunity to introduce many people to Nevis for the first time, and I want to particularly thank the AHA Statue Unveiling Committee – Marti Londal, Sergio Villavicencio, Carol Ward, and Johanna Yaun – for their work to put together such a fantastic itinerary for all. May this statue continue to attract more people to Nevis to discover its beauty and warm hospitality.


The Alexander Hamilton statue from the audience’s perspective. Credit: Foxborough Media


Prior to this statue project, the AHA Society had previously served as a historical consultant for a Hamilton stat- ue that was unveiled in 2018 at the US Coast Guard Academy in New London, Connecticut. It was through this work that we were first introduced to the incredible talent, vision, and dedication of sculptor Benjamin Victor. At age 26, Ben Victor became the youngest artist ever to have a sculpture in the National Statuary Hall in the United States Capitol. In 2019, he became the only living artist to have three works in Statuary Hall. While working with him, we were impressed by his commitment to learn as much as he could about not only the life of Alexander Hamilton, but also who Hamilton was as a person, so that Ben could convey that spirit through his sculpture. When it came time to find a sculptor for “Hamilton as a Young Man” for Nevis, it was a natural fit to work again with Ben Victor.

Benjamin Victor worked extensively with our organizations to design this unique statue. Since it is not certain how Alexander Hamilton looked as a child, but we do have a good idea from portraits of what he would have looked like as a young man, it was decided to use this approach to symbolize his youth in the Caribbean, particularly his birth in Nevis.

The scroll element is an important part of the statue – as you see, the scroll is rolled up and Hamilton is holding it in his left hand – showing it is still in draft form, and further symbolizing the knowledge, skills, values, and mindset that he gained from his Caribbean upbringing and then carried with him throughout the rest of his life.

This statue also has a special connection with the first Hamilton statue created by Benjamin Victor in the US – in that statue Hamilton is shown holding a scroll open with both hands, depicting a very important document from his time as US Secretary of the Treasury. In that statue, the symbolism of the scroll carries a different meaning – Hamilton has come into his own as an adult and all that he learned as a young man in the Caribbean is fully on display.

In this statue, Hamilton’s jacket is depicted draped over his arm, symbolizing his eventual transition from boy to man – he will soon be ready to don his formal coat as a man, but he is still young and hungry for action. His stance mirrors that mentality, with his legs wide and chest open, looking forward, ready to face the future.

When you have a chance to observe the statue up-close, you will notice the exquisite attention to detail, down to depicting thread “stitches” in the clothing’s buttons, and the outstanding patina work done by Benjamin Victor and, whose signature can be found by the left ankle.

Signature of sculptor Benjamin Victor on the side of the left shoe of the Hamilton statue. Credit: Foxborough Media


In addition to the statue, the AHA Society is donating five informative plaques to be installed along the historic stone wall of this courtyard, to greet and provide context to visitors to the statue. The first plaque, titled “Alexander Hamilton: Son of Nevis” describes Hamilton’s connection to Nevis and his focus on education. The second plaque is titled “Alexander Hamilton: Citizen of the Caribbean” and it describes the broader context of the Caribbean’s influence on Hamilton, including the institution of slavery. The third plaque is “Alexander Ham- ilton: Founding Father of the United States” and lists several of his major contributions and achievements in that capacity.

The fourth plaque is about the statue project and our desire to “make a lasting contribution to preserve the memory of Alexander Hamilton in the Caribbean and honor the values and principles that inspired his remarkable life.” The fifth plaque reads “Dedicated to the People of Nevis; This statue of Alexander Hamilton as a young man was donated by Robin Sommers, July 22, 2022. With many thanks from Nevis Island Administration and Nevis Historical and Conservation Society in partnership with the Alexander Hamilton Awareness Society honoring Alexander Hamilton as a Son of Nevis. Sculptor Benjamin Victor.”

I would like to once again extend our gratitude to Robin Sommers for the donation of this incredible statue. Thank you.


Special Thanks to the Hamilton Statue Donor
Robin Sommers

Special Thanks to the Hamilton Statue Sculptor
Benjamin Victor

Special Thanks to the Hamilton Statue & Plaques Creation Team
Benjamin Victor, Sculptor; Marcia Myers, former NHCS Board Member; Mariana Oller, AHA Society Chair; Thomas Oller, AHA Society Vice Chair; Nicole Scholet, AHA Society President; Sergio Villavicencio, AHA Society Vice President; John Herzog, AHA Society Board Member; Pauline Ngujiri, former NHCS Director; Honorable Everson Hull, Nevis Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the OAS; Nevis Island Administration Office.

Special Thanks to the Unveiling Planning Committee
Marti Londal, AHA Society Marketing Director, Virginia Chapter President; Johanna Yaun, AHA Society Advisory Board, Orange County Historian; Carol Ward, Lexington Historical Society Executive Director; Sergio Villavicencio, AHA Society Vice President.

Special Thanks for their Nevis On-Site Operations
Mary Herzog, Herzog & Co; Nicole Scholet, AHA Society President; Thomas Oller, AHA Society Vice Chair; Marti Londal, AHA Society Marketing Director, Virginia Chapter President; Johanna Yaun, AHA Society Advisory Board, Orange County Historian; Sergio Villavicencio, AHA Society Vice President; Jahnel Nisbett, NHCS Director; Douglas Yaun, Foxborough Media; Eliesel Ramirez, NHCS Museum Supervisor, Ivo Richli, Golden Rock Inn General Manager.

Special Thanks to the Media Team
Douglas Yaun, Foxborough Media President;  Andrea MacScott, Andrea MacScott Photography, Marti Londal, AHA Society Marketing Director; MJ Hanley-Goff, Travel  Writer; Emily Goff, Photography.

Special Thanks to Hamilton Statue Unveiling Events Speakers
Cheyney McKnight, New-York Historical Society Living History Manager, Not Your Momma’s History; Seth Kaller, Seth kaller Inc. President; Sergio Villavicencio, AHA Society Vice President; Greg Bernard Phillips, Nevis Sun Tours CEO; Michael E. Newton, historian and author.

Special Thanks to Hamilton Statue Unveiling Ceremony Presenters
Jahnel Nisbett, NHCS Director; Pastor Eversley Pemberton; Eliesel Ramirez, NHCS Museum Supervisor, Lee Sullivan, Musician; the Hon. Mark Brantley, Premier of Nevis; Thomas Oller, AHA Society Vice Chair; Richard Lupinacci, NHCS President; Harvey Hendrickson, former NHCS President; Scott MacScott, Alexander Hamilton Live! Hamilton portrayer; Nicole Scholet, AHA Society President; Abigaile Swanston, past Hamilton scholarship recipient.


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