Latest News from Our Partners and Friends!

Latest News from Our Partners and Friends!

I am very pleased to share with you some exciting news about the future of the Hamilton Partnership for Paterson. Following the retirement of our founder, Leonard Zax, in March, 2023, Leslie Weber joined HPP as Interim Executive Director to help navigate the...
Alexander Hamilton Statue on Nevis

Alexander Hamilton Statue on Nevis

Picture of the Alexander Hamilton statue unveiled by the Alexander Hamilton Awareness Society on Nevis, his birth Island. On July 22, 2022, a life-size bronze statue of the US founding father and first Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton was unveiled by the...
Alexander Hamilton and Slavery

Alexander Hamilton and Slavery

On the topic of Alexander Hamilton and slavery, the most thorough and accurate research to date is that by Michael E. Newton and Philo Hamilton entitled, “Opening a Door to Their Emancipation’ – Alexander Hamilton and Slavery,” Version 3.0, published December 21,...
Rare Artifacts at Columbia’s RBML

Rare Artifacts at Columbia’s RBML

As part of CelebrateHAMILTON 2012, the AHA Society Executive Board arranged for a special visit at Columbia University’s Rare Book and Manuscript Library (RBML), located inside Butler Library. We were joined by Doug Hamilton, fifth great-grandson of Alexander...